Internet Protocol Address:
5 classes of IP adress in IPv4
Class Ranges proprietary Octed Fromat
A 0-127 0 N.H.H.H
B 128-191 10 N.N.H.H
C 192-223 110 N.N.N.H
D 224-239 1110 (Reserved for multicast groups)
E 240-255 1111 (Reserved for research and development purpose)
IP Addressing
*Class A ranges to
*Class B ranges to
*Class C ranges to
*Class D ranges to
*Class E ranges to
IP Adress divided into network portion.
Class A written as N.H.H.H
Class B written as N.N.H.H
Class C written as N.N.N.H
Class D ---------------------
Class E ------------------
:Assigning IP Address:
Before working on this Lab, you must have
1. A Computer with Windows server 2008 Operating System (as we done in the First Lab and Introduction).
this is the computer with the operating system 2008 server.
we are going to assigning this IP:
IP Address:
Subnet Mast:
Preferred DNS:
1. on the desktop go to Network Icon, right click on Network Icon and select Properties.
2. In the Network and Sharing Center windows select Manage Network Connections.
3. Right click Local Area Connection and click Properties.
4. Select Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) and uncheck the box.
5. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties.
6. Select Use the following IP Address and enter the IP address and click Subnet mask, it will be entered automatically and select use the following DNS server addresses and enter the Prefered DNS Server address and click Ok, and Ok.
7. Go to Network and Sharing center select customize.
8. Select Private Network and click Next then Close and verify for Network discovery and file sharing options are on.
please teach me IP address subbnetting also