
Sunday 26 May 2013


What is Permission?

*  Permission define the types of access granted to a user, groups, or computer access resources.
*  Permission can applied to resource such as files, folders and printers.
Permissions like Privilege to read a file, delete a file, or to create a new file in folder.

Two types of permission:

1.  Security level permission.
2.  Share level permission.

New tech files system is also known as Security level permission.

R       -  Read
W      -  Write
R/w   -  Read executive
M      -  Modified
F.c     -  Full Control
L.F.C -  List Folder Contain

1. Security Level Permission.

*  Security level permission are the permission which are used to restrict the access on a resources which is present in a local computer from where the user login in.
*  Security level permission is also called as new tech file
*  New technology file system (NTFS) permission can be set on  drive, folder and file.
*  Different security permission are
*  Full control
*  Modified
*  Read and executive
*  Full control list folder contain

2. Share Level Permission.

*  Share level permission can be implemented on New Technology File System NTFS and File Allocation Table FAT file system.
*  Share level permission can be set on a folder drive not on a file

Three types of sharing in 2008 server.

*  Reader
*  Contributor
*  Co-Onwer

          To hidden sharing folder from the network rename the file which want to hidden rename with a Dollar Symbol ($)
Example: \\system\name\filename$

Configuration Of Permission

Lab - 1: Security Level Permission.
Lab - 2: Share Level Permission.
Lab - 3: Configuration Offline Files Client Or Configuration Offline Files In Member Server.


Before working on this lab, you must have.

1.  A computer running windows 2008 server Domain Controller.

2.  A computer running windows 2008 server or Windows 7.

Domain Controller
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Preffered DNS

Member Server / Client
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Preferred DNS

Lab - 1: Security Level Permission..

1.  Open Computer → Go to any NTFS partition and create a folder (DATA), along with some files in it.

2.  Right Click the folder (DATA) and select properties and click Security tab → click Advanced tab → click Edit → clear the box on Include Inherit permissions from this objects parent.

3.  Click Remove → Apply → OK → OK

4.  Click Edit

5.  Add Administrator or Administrators and Allow Full Control permission.

6.  Then Add the Users (Users1) and Allow Read permission.

7.  Click Apply → OK → OK


1.  Login as User(User1) on the same computer, and Open  computer icon, and verify the respective permission by accessing the folder.

2.  The user can just read the Files and Folders.

Lab - 2: Share Level Permissios.

1.  Logon to a computer as Administrator, Open Computer → Open any drive and create a folder (SALES) along what some files in it.

2.  Right Click the folder (SALES) and Select Share.

3.  Select the drop down arrow mark and select Find → enter the User name (User1) → Click OK → select the user (User1) and assign Permissions (Ex: Co-Owner) → click Share → click Done.


Access The Shared Folder

1.  Logon to Member Server or Client as User (User1) → Open Network.

2.  Open System Name in which the shared folder is present.

3.  Access the shared folder (SALES) & verify the permission by creating some files.

Accessing Shared Folders using UNC Path:

1.  Logon to Member Server or Client as a User.

2.  Click Start → click Run and type the Syntax \\Servername\Sharename.

Example: \\sys1\sales

Lab - 3: Configuration Offline Files in Client (Windows 7)

1.  Log on to D.C as Administrator, Open Computer → Go to drive and create a shared folder Sales with Everyone as Co-Owner permission.

2.  Log on to Client (sys2) as Administrator → open Network → open the system name of DC (sys1) → Right click the shared folder and select Always Available Offline.


1.  Disconnect or Disable the Network connection, and try to access the shared folders from network and only Sales folder will be visible and accessible.

2.  Open the SALES folder & make some modification (Create some files in it).

3.  Then connect or Enable the Network connection, then Right Click the shared folder & click Sync.

4.  Modification will be updated on the shared folder (In the server).

Configuration Offline Files in Member Server (Windows 2008)

1.  Log on to D.C as Administrator, Open Computer → Go to a drive and create a shared folder Sales with Everyone as Co-Owner permission.

2.  Log on to Member server SYS2 as Administrator, Open Server Manager → click features → click Add Features → Next → check the box for Desktop ExperienceNext → Click Install.

3.  Click close → select Yes to restart the system.

4.  Click Start → Setting → Control Panel → Double click the option Offline Files.

5.  Click Enable Offline Files → Click OK → Click Yes to restart the system.

6.  Log on to Member Server SYS2 as Administrator → open Network → Open system name DC → Right click the shared folder and select Always Available Offline.


1.  Disconnect or Disable the Network connection, and try to access the Shared Folders from network and only SALES folder will be visible and accessible.

2.  Access the SALES folder & make some modifications (Create some files in it).

3.  Connect or Enable the network connection, then Right Click the shared folder & click Sync.

4.  Modification will be updated on the shared folder (In the server).

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